Hayes Raffle, Cati Vaucelle and Ruibing Wang 2006

Paper, pens, paint and other physical media, microphone, speakers,
wireless transmitters and position sensing tablet, PC running custom software

Long Paper
Raffle, H., Vaucelle, C., Wang, R., Ishii, H. Jabberstamp: embedding sound and voice in traditional drawings. To appear in the Proceedings of Interaction Design and Children, 2007. Aalborg, Denmark. June 6-8, 2007. ACM Press.

Incubator (short) Paper
Raffle, H., Vaucelle, C., Wang, R., Ishii, H. Jabberstamp: embedding sound and voice in traditional drawings. To appear in the Proceedings of the International Conference of Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Educator Program. SIGGRAPH 2007. San Diego, CA. August 5-9, 2007. ACM Press.

lo-res or hi-res

(9 mb Quicktime)